Set Ethernet Network as Metered Connection in Windows 8

Windows 8 introduced a new feature which allows users to set any Wi-Fi network as metered so that they can check their bandwidth usage:

[img credit]

But, it doesn't allow users to set any Ethernet network as metered:

So, is there a trick/workaround to do it?

Solution 1:

You can't set Ethernet as metered.

Source: Metered Internet connections: Frequently asked questions — What are the recommended settings?

Setting the connection to metered has the downside that your settings and files are not synced.

If your intention is to get network data usage statistics, you should use third-party tools instead.

Solution 2:

There is a setting in the registry that will set the Ethernet connection as metered.

The setting is


Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList\DefaultMediaCost

Setting it to 2 will make the connection metered.

(taken from

Solution 3:

Physical Ethernet connections cannot be set as a metered connection without using any addons. The same applies to USB Tethered phones. You cannot set these as a metered connection. This feature was builtin with Wireless Hotspots in mind or Wireless Tethering from your phone.