How can I edit banknote images in Photoshop CS?

Solution 1:

One thing you can try is to crop or embed the image in a much larger image and work from there. One of the researchers into EURion and related shows that taking such images and then cropping them very slightly can cause the software to "err on the side of false negatives".

Source: Software Detection of Currency

Solution 2:

Well, self answering about how to bypass Adobe counterfeit deterrence system (CDS)

Use adobe photoshop 5 or older versions that are not part of the Creative Suite series.

This situation lead me to more 'security' features from imagery software. Sexually explicit images displaying young people face can be also blocked. I could read an article about a company which had a legitimate authorization from UK government to reproduce banknotes for artistic reasons but could not get from Adobe another answer than 'No, you are not authorized'.

All patchez I could read about on the internet were viral and/or dangerous.

(hint for future generations of artists : keep your legacy softwares safe)

Solution 3:

If the image is a PDF you can create an Automator Application or hot folder that renders the PDF as a PSD. There may be other Automator steps that can do the same for different file formats. Once it's saved off as a PSD it's editable and can be saved and reopened. Automator Steps