Force <a download /> to download image instead of opening url link to image [duplicate]

<a download='file' href="">

Is there a way to force the download of a file instead of opening the file in a new window? Right now if the file is a URL, like the example below it won't be downloaded and will open in a new window.

Solution 1:

You may be bitten by the fact that Firefox and Chrome 65+ only support same-origin download links, probably as a security measure.

Source: (see "Known issues" tab)

The Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG) recommends that in cross-origin scenarios (as in your example), the web server that is hosting the image/file in question needs to send a Content-Disposition HTTP header for download= to be honored.


In short:

You can only use <a download='...'></a> to force download of an image/file, if:

  1. the html and the image/file are hosted on the same domain,
  2. the image/file is on a different domain, and that server also says it should be downloaded.

Solution 2:

Maybe you have solved in the meanwhile, but since you are hosting the files on S3 (see comments on Peter B's answer), you need to add a signature to the files url and set the ResponseContentType to binary/octet-stream by using the aws sdk. I am using Node so it becomes:

const promises = => {
        const promise = s3.getSignedUrlPromise('getObject', {
            Bucket: process.env.S3_BUCKET,
            Key: key, //filename
            Expires: 604800, //time to expire in seconds (optional)
            ResponseContentType: 'binary/octet-stream' 

        return promise;

    const links = await Promise.all(promises);

I hope this helps.