Round Double to closest 10

Solution 1:

You can use the round() function (which rounds a floating point number to the nearest integral value) and apply a "scale factor" of 10:

func roundToTens(x : Double) -> Int {
    return 10 * Int(round(x / 10.0))

Example usage:

print(roundToTens(4.9))  // 0
print(roundToTens(15.1)) // 20

In the second example, 15.1 is divided by ten (1.51), rounded (2.0), converted to an integer (2) and multiplied by 10 again (20).

Swift 3:

func roundToTens(_ x : Double) -> Int {
    return 10 * Int((x / 10.0).rounded())


func roundToTens(_ x : Double) -> Int {
    return 10 * lrint(x / 10.0)

Solution 2:

defining the rounding function as

import Foundation

func round(_ value: Double, toNearest: Double) -> Double {
    return round(value / toNearest) * toNearest

gives you more general and flexible way how to do it

let r0 = round(1.27, toNearest: 0.25)   // 1.25
let r1 = round(325, toNearest: 10)      // 330.0
let r3 = round(.pi, toNearest: 0.0001)  // 3.1416

Solution 3:

You can also extend FloatingPoint protocol and add an option to choose the rounding rule:

extension FloatingPoint {
    func rounded(to value: Self, roundingRule: FloatingPointRoundingRule = .toNearestOrAwayFromZero) -> Self {
       (self / value).rounded(roundingRule) * value

let value = 325.0
value.rounded(to: 10) // 330 (default rounding mode toNearestOrAwayFromZero)
value.rounded(to: 10, roundingRule: .down) // 320

Solution 4:

In Swift 3.0 it is

10 * Int(round(Double(ratio / 10)))

Solution 5:

Extension for rounding to any number !

extension Int{
   func rounding(nearest:Float) -> Int{
       return Int(nearest * round(Float(self)/nearest))