how to build apk create old version app in Flutter

Solution 1:

the solution is easy.
just run flutter clean and run flutter build apk after that and it generate update app apk.
if you want to install it directly just run flutter install after the build command.

Solution 2:

To all the beginners If you wish to release an apk of a flutter app just do: flutter run --release (and make sure to connect your device to a phone) steps to ensure your phone is connected: 1. enable usb debugging mode in your phone on version number of your phone in system settings to enter into developer mode 3. change the phone mode to transferring file mode

After you run the command go to build->apps->output->apk

Solution 3:

If flutter clean and flutter build apk also generates apk with old version code in your pubspec.yaml change the version like this version: 1.0.2+2 Before + it is your version name and after + sign it is your version code

NOTE: Your new version number should be in the place of 2. Or you can use different format such as 1.2+2