Add Not condition in a mail rule using Outlook 2007

Solution 1:

How do I add a NOT condition in a mail rule?

You cannot add a NOT condition directly. However, you can use Exceptions to achieve the same effect:

There are three (main) steps to the rule creation process:

  1. Conditions to check:

    This is where you are trying to add your negation rule. You can't.

  2. Action to perform:

    Example move to a folder.

  3. Exceptions to apply:

    This is where you can choose your word in the subject

You have to use the advanced wizard to create rules this way.

So in your case (imagining you wanted to move everything to a folder called 'Moved' when the subject does not contain the word 'unmovable'), you'd do this:

  1. Don't select anything (apply to ALL messages).

  2. Select 'move it to the specified folder'. Then select the 'Moved' folder.

  3. Select 'except if the subject contains specific word'. Then type 'unmovable'.

Source Outlook Rule - Not in Subject

Further Reading

  • Creating rules with NOT conditions

  • How to Use Exception Conditions in Outlook to Create Negative Emails Rules

Solution 2:

Another way to do this is order the execution of rules so that first the PROD rule is executed, and on that rule check Stop processing other rules once this rules conditions were met.

This method is very useful if in the future you have more rules like PROD. You can then just copy the rule, edit it, move it and it works as expected, and you don't need to add the exception to the general rule too.