"Previously, in my life where I detested all types of communication, now I have grown to have an appreciation for it." - Is this a proper sentence? [closed]

How should I rephrase my sentence if you think it's incorrect or inadequate? Thanks.

It isn't entirely correct, but it just needs some minor modifications to fix it.

From what I'm interpreting from the sentence, you're wanting to show the contrast between how "I" (the subject) felt about communication in the past and how "I" feel in the present.

If that's the case, then "previously" is a misplaced modifier: putting the comma after "previously" separates it from "in my life," which is how you're showing that the first half of the sentence relates to a past version of your feelings. Thus, the beginning of the sentence should be changed to:

Previously in my life,

This will make the whole phrase a modifier for the next part, which would be a full independent clause describing how "I" felt about communication in the past:

Previously in my life, I detested all types of communication,

You don't need to say "where" (which would be the incorrect word to use anyway, since "where" refers to places rather than times)

After that, you're introducing a new independent clause - a second statement that indicates how "I" now feel differently about communication (in the present). To do that, you need to use a coordinating conjunction; the most relevant one would be "but," since that second statement contrasts the first sentence:

Previously in my life, I detested all types of communication, but now I have grown to have an appreciation

As a final point, "it" would only work within the original sentence if it's referring to "communication" (as a singular/noncount noun). If you want to use a pronoun that refers to "all types of communication," then you have to use "them". So, depending on what you want the pronoun to be focusing on, your final sentence could be

Previously in my life, I detested all communication, but now I have grown to have an appreciation for it.


Previously in my life, I detested all types of communication, but now I have grown to have an appreciation for them.