Is there a term for "one who sees people in terms of their 'race/ethnicity', but isn't hateful"?

Solution 1:

The short answer is no, there is no commonly used term, since most English speakers have realized that racial stereotyping is bad (if not hateful). Thus, racist, with its negative connotation is the word.

However, some find it useful to differentiate the outmoded concept of racialism.


: a theory that race determines human traits and capacities

In 1903, W. E. B. Du Bois said that racialism is the philosophical position that races existed, and that collective differences existed among such categories, the races.[citation needed] He further stated that racism required advancing the argument that one race is superior to other races of human beings. In In My Father’s House (1992), Kwame Anthony Appiah summarized Du Bois's philosophical stance that racialism is value-neutral term and that racism is a value-charged term.