Docker repository server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client

Solution 1:

Looks like you haven't set the Docker Daemon right. Notice these few lines:

Insecure Registries:

Try to add this line to Docker's daemon.json file and restart the Docker Daemon:


Solution 2:

On CentOS 7.2.1511, I had to create a new file


with the contents

{ "insecure-registries":["host:port"] } 

(The host is the hostname of the server hosting my docker registry and port is the port where the docker registry is available. In my case, those are

and then restart docker daemon by doing:

$ sudo service docker restart

Solution 3:

Hopefully this will help anyone having issues getting the insecure-registries fix to work.


{ "insecure-registries":["host:port"] }



did not work for me until I created the file


and put the line


in it and then restarted the docker daemon with

sudo systemctl stop docker and sudo systemctl start docker.

For some reason just doing a sudo systemctl restart docker did not work. It threw an error about trying to restart the service to quickly.

Also for ["host:port"] I used the IP of my Docker registry as opposed to the hostname as I did not have DNS or a hosts file setup to be able to find the registry by hostname.

This drove me absolutely nuts until I stumbled upon the /etc/default/docker bit here.

I am new to Docker and so I don't know if this is new requirement since this initial post was answered or if there was something else I missed when I first setup my registry. Though all I did was to follow the current docs on the Docker site itself.