The controller for path was not found or does not implement IController
I have an MVC4 project with language selection:
- en
- nl
- fr
- de
1 main part with:
- About
- Common (for the menu)
- Contact
- Faq
- Home
And 3 areas:
- Admin
- Customers
- Shop
In each area I have at least one controller, for example in Admin I have the controller overview with the corresponding view folder overview which contains an index.aspx page.
The home page and all the main pages (about, faq, etc.) work and can be visited).
However, when I follow the url: localhost:xxxx/en/admin/overview I get the error:
The controller for path '/en/admin/overview' was not found or does not implement IController.
Even though the route is correct (I can see this with Route Debugger), the error page also shows that the error was thrown when I wanted to load my main menu items:
<nav id="site-navigation" class="eightcol">
@Html.Action("MenuItems", "Common")
-- Code removed because irrelevant --
Everything seems to be in order, but MVC doesn't seem to be able to load the menu, which is located in the main part.
So, the root of the problem is: Can I grant an area (e.g. Admin) access to the controllers in the main part (home, common, about, etc.) of my project?
Solution 1:
I've found it.
When a page, that is located inside an area, wants to access a controller that is located outside of this area (such as a shared layout page or a certain page inside a different area), the area of this controller needs to be added. Since the common controller is not in a specific area but part of the main project, you have to leave area empty:
@Html.Action("MenuItems", "Common", new {area="" })
The above needs to be added to all of the actions and actionlinks since the layout page is shared throughout the various areas.
It's exactly the same problem as here: ASP.NET MVC Areas with shared layout
Edit: To be clear, this is marked as the answer because it was the answer for my problem. The above answers might solve the causes that trigger the same error.
Solution 2:
In my case, the same error was not related to Area but thought to post the error caused in my case, which may be helpful for the people who come to this thread by searching "The controller for path was not found or does not implement IController"
The error was caused because of wrong entry in _Layout.cshtml file.
The bundle with that name was removed in BundleConfig.cs but forgot to remove it in _Layout.cshtml
It was silly, but we programmers always do lot of silly mistakes :)
Solution 3:
Yet another possible root cause for this error is if the namespace for the area registration class does not match the namespace for the controller.
E.g. correct naming on controller class:
namespace MySystem.Areas.Customers
public class CustomersController : Controller
With incorrect naming on area registration class:
namespace MySystem.Areas.Shop
public class CustomersAreaRegistration : AreaRegistration
(Namespace above should be MySystem.Areas.Customers
Will I ever learn to stop copy and pasting code? Probably not.
Solution 4:
Also, for those who the solution above didn't work, here's is what worked for me:
I have a solution with multiple projects. All projects were in MVC3. I installed Visual Studio 2012 in my machine and it seems that some projects were automatically upgraded to MVC4.
I got this problem
The controller for path '/etc/etc' was not found or does not implement IController
because the project that handled that route was pointing to MVC4.
I had to manually update their references to use MVC3. You can also do that by opening the .csproj file with a text editor. Find the reference to MVC3 and remove this line:
Solution 5:
This error can also be caused by the fact that Controllers must have (in their name) the word Controller
; viz: HomeController
; unless you implement your own ControllerFactory