C++ virtual function from constructor [duplicate]

Solution 1:

Because base is constructed first and hasn't "matured" into a derived yet. It can't call methods on an object when it can't guarantee that the object is already properly initialized.

Solution 2:

When a derived object is being constructed, before the body of the derived class constructor is called the base class constructor must complete. Before the derived class constructor is called the dynamic type of the object under construction is a base class instance and not a derived class instance. For this reason, when you call a virtual function from a constructor, only the base class virtual function overrides can be called.

Solution 3:

Actually, there is a way to get this behavior. "Every problem in software can be solved with a level of indirection."

/* Disclaimer: I haven't done C++ in many months now, there might be a few syntax errors here and there. */
class parent
     parent( ) { /* nothing interesting here. */ };
     struct parent_virtual
         virtual void do_something( ) { cout << "in parent."; }

     parent( const parent_virtual& obj )
          obj.do_something( );

class child : public parent
     struct child_virtual : public parent_virtual
         void do_something( ) { cout << "in child."; }
      child( ) : parent( child_virtual( ) ) { }