Do I need to import submodules directly?

Let's say I have a module foo and a submodule If I want to use a method in, do I need to import directly or is importing foo sufficient?

For example, the following throws an error:

import foo

and the following works:


But I'm not sure if this is generally what's needed, or if there's something wrong with my code itself. (I would think importing the submodule directly is generally needed... But I could have sworn I've seen code where it's not imported directly and still works fine.)

If I want to use a method in, do I need to import directly or is importing foo sufficient?

You'll need to import the submodule explicitly. Executing import will automatically import the parent module foo, and necessarily bind the name foo, but the reverse is not true.

But I could have sworn I've seen code where it's not imported directly and still works fine

Yes. Sometimes accessing a submodule works without the explicit import. This happens when a parent module itself imports the submodules. Never rely on that unless it's documented, because it may be an implementation detail and could change without warning after a library version upgrade.

As an example of a popular library which demonstrates both behaviors, look at requests==2.18.4. This package has submodules called sessions and help (amongst others). Importing requests will make requests.sessions available implicitly, yet will not be available until explicitly imported. You'll find when the source code of the package init is executed that the sessions submodule gets imported, but the help submodule does not.

This makes sense, because subsequent use of requires an attribute access on an existing foo object. Note that from import something does not bind the name foo nor, though both modules foo and are imported and cached into sys.modules.