CSS position:fixed inside a positioned element

I have a positioned div whose content can be too long so scrollbars appear (overflow:auto set). It functions as a dialog box in an ajax app. I want to fix a close button on it's right top corner so when the user scrolls the div it won't scroll away.

I tryed it with position:fixed; right:0; top:0 but it placed the button on the right top of the page not in the div (in firefox).

Is it possible to do this button placement using CSS only without hacking with the offsetWidth/Height in js on every scroll event?

ps: the div's height and width is not a fixed value it depends on the content's size and the browser window's size. User can also resize it if he want.

You can use the position:fixed;, but without set left and top. Then you will push it to the right using margin-left, to position it in the right position you wish.

Check a demo here: http://jsbin.com/icili5

The current selected solution appears to have misunderstood the problem.

The trick is to neither use absolute nor fixed positioning. Instead, have the close button outside of the div with its position set to relative and a left float so that it is immediately right of the div. Next, set a negative left margin and a positive z index so that it appears above the div.

Here's an example:

        position: relative;
        float: left;
        margin-top: 50vh;
        margin-left: -100px;
        z-index: 2;

        height: 100vh;
        width: 100vw;
        position: relative;
        overflow: scroll;
        float: left;

    <div id="dialog">

    <div id="close"> </div>

Position:fixed gives an absolute position regarding the BROWSER window. so of course it goes there.

While position:absolute refers to the parent element, so if you place your <div> button inside the <div> of the container, it should position where you meant it to be. Something like

EDIT: thanks to @Sotiris, who has a point, solution can be achieved using a position:fixed and a margin-left. Like this: http://jsfiddle.net/NeK4k/