How to enumerate IP addresses of all enabled NIC cards from Java?

Short of parsing the output of ipconfig, does anyone have a 100% pure java way of doing this?

This is pretty easy:

try {
  InetAddress localhost = InetAddress.getLocalHost();" IP Addr: " + localhost.getHostAddress());
  // Just in case this host has multiple IP addresses....
  InetAddress[] allMyIps = InetAddress.getAllByName(localhost.getCanonicalHostName());
  if (allMyIps != null && allMyIps.length > 1) {" Full list of IP addresses:");
    for (int i = 0; i < allMyIps.length; i++) {"    " + allMyIps[i]);
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {" (error retrieving server host name)");

try {"Full list of Network Interfaces:");
  for (Enumeration<NetworkInterface> en = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(); en.hasMoreElements();) {
    NetworkInterface intf = en.nextElement();"    " + intf.getName() + " " + intf.getDisplayName());
    for (Enumeration<InetAddress> enumIpAddr = intf.getInetAddresses(); enumIpAddr.hasMoreElements(); ) {"        " + enumIpAddr.nextElement().toString());
} catch (SocketException e) {" (error retrieving network interface list)");

Some of this will only work in JDK 1.6 and above (one of the methods was added in that release.)

List<InetAddress> addrList = new ArrayList<InetAddress>();
for(Enumeration<NetworkInterface> eni = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(); eni.hasMoreElements(); ) {
   final NetworkInterface ifc = eni.nextElement();
   if(ifc.isUp()) {
      for(Enumeration<InetAddress> ena = ifc.getInetAddresses(); ena.hasMoreElements(); ) {

Prior to 1.6, it's a bit more difficult - isUp() isn't supported until then.

FWIW: The Javadocs note that this is the correct approach for getting all of the IP addresses for a node:

NOTE: can use getNetworkInterfaces()+getInetAddresses() to obtain all IP addresses for this node