How to change the size of Desktop Icons in Windows 8?

Is it possible to change the size of icons in Windows 8? Also is it possible to adjust the horizontal and vertical spacing between Desktop Icons?

Hold Ctrl and then use the scroll wheel on your mouse.

Click on your desktop background, then Ctrl + scroll. Changing the desktop's icon size is not a global shortcut, so it doesn't work when you have an active window. That's why the Windows key makes it seem to work, as it selects the desktop just like clicking the background does. The Windows key isn't any worse of a method; it's just not necessary.

The adjustment should be Ctrl+Winkey and scroll the mouse wheel. Ctrl by itself does not work on windows 8 (at least not without the Winkey here).

I was doing a search for the solution to this for my laptop which had mega sized desktop icons for some reason. I worked out that you have to press the windows key down and while it is down press Ctrl and then with both these keys down you do what Glen said and with 2 fingers on the touchpad you move your fingers closer together to make the icons smaller (presumably the reverse will make them bigger again).

Right Click on a free space of the desktop, select view menu. There are three options:

  • Large Icons
  • Medium Icons
  • Small Icons