How do you uninstall Puppet from Mac OS X ?

Solution 1:

Puppet does not have an uninstaller, you must manually remove the following files. (Tested on 3.2.3)


Remove the following binaries


Remove the following directories


To get rid of the puppet user that appears on the login screen

sudo dscl . delete /Users/puppet

You will need to reboot for the user to disappear

spuders blog - how to remove puppet from Mac
delete puppet installed via ruby
remove hidden user from mac

Solution 2:

The above answer is incomplete, not all the files are removed with the above commands.

I was able to completely uninstall Puppet (on Mountain Lion) by running the following commands:

for f in $(pkgutil --only-files --files com.puppetlabs.puppet); do sudo rm /$f; done
for d in $(pkgutil --only-dirs --files com.puppetlabs.puppet | tail -r); do sudo rmdir /$d; done
sudo pkgutil --forget com.puppetlabs.puppet