Efficient way to describe someone employed but not at the place you're talking about [closed]

The context

I'm describing a particular type of school: privately-owned, a very specific subject taught, and along with the actual employees of the school, there are "coaches" who currently work doing the same job that the students are currently learning. These coaches are not paid directly a salary by the school, but depending on the amount the school was able to receive for each student hired at any given company, the coach receives a percentage of the amount.

These "coaches" are described in the text now as "...with the guidance of currently-working coaches incentivized on the success of the participants".

I think that describing these coaches as "currently-working" is a little clunky. It doesn't imply that:

  • These coaches are currently-working doing the exact same job
  • These coaches are not actually working for the school, as the bonus they receive is not enough to live on

Any ideas? Am I over-thinking this? If you came across that phrase would you understand what it's implying?

Solution 1:

I understand the phrase because you explained the situation, and suggest this rewording:

...with coaching from independent experts who are rewarded by the success of the participants.


  • "coaches" becomes "coaching", making way for "experts".
  • "independent" indicates they are not working directly for the school.
  • "rewarded" is less direct than the tacky "incentivized", and how they are paid isn't really relevant.