Is this sentence grammatical? [closed]

Solution 1:

This is the standard approach that I am familiar with:

The results of studies A and B are presented in Figures 1 and 2, respectively.

Solution 2:

"Respectively" is usually best avoided, whether it is grammatical or not. The word forces the reader to pause and make sure she understands which goes with what. It interrupts the flow of your prose.

I would agree that TonyK's formulation looks and sounds somewhat better, but I would change the sentence to read, "The result of Study A is presented in Figure 1 and that of Study B in Figure 2."

And even if you disagree, for goodness' sake don't use it with more than two linkages: "A, B, and C are shown in 1, 2, and 3, respectively." Your reader will come to a screeching halt as he goes back to make sure he has the sequence right.

Always make things as easy as possible for your reader. Style is much more important than grammar in this case.