We have our library we ship to our customers, and I'd like to mark some methods as "deprecated" because we changed them (like Apple does in the iPhone SDK).

I've seen the __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED pre-processor macro, which is mapped to __AVAILABILITY_INTERNAL, which is mapped to __attribute__((deprecated))...

Well i'm a bit confused with this stuff!

Anybody knows something about that ?

Solution 1:

__attribute__((deprecated)) is the gcc way (also supported in clang) of marking a function / method as deprecated. When one is marked as "deprecated", a warning will be produced whenever anyone calls it.

The syntax for normal functions would be

void f(...) {

// gcc 4.5+ / clang
__attribute__((deprecated("g has been deprecated please use g2 instead")))
void g(...) {

and that of Objective-C methods would be

@interface MyClass : NSObject { ... }
-(void)f:(id)x __attribute__((deprecated));

You can also mark the whole class as deprecated with

@interface DeprecatedClass : NSObject { ... }

Apple also provides the <AvailabilityMacros.h> header which provides the DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE and DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE(msg) macros that expand to the above attributes, or nothing if the compiler doesn't support attributes. Note that this header doesn't exist outside of OS X / iOS.

Side note, if you are using Swift you use the @available attribute to deprecate an item, e.g.

@available(*, deprecated=2.0, message="no longer needed")
func f() {

Solution 2:

You can also use more readable define DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE

It defined in usr/include/AvailabilityMacros.h:

#define DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE        __attribute__((deprecated))
#define DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE(msg) __attribute((deprecated((msg))))

Objective-C methods example:

@interface MyClass : NSObject { ... }
-(void)foo:(id)x DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE;

// If you want to specify deprecated message:
-(void)bar:(id)x DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("Use baz: method instead.");

You can also mark the whole class as deprecated:

@interface DeprecatedClass : NSObject { ... }