On Windows XP - Change monitor resolution based on which user is logged in?

Solution 1:

I found this program : "XP Keep per User Display Settings". I quote:

The program is launched for each and every user -- don't worry, it's rather small -- and monitors the following events:

  • switching among active users
  • users logging off

Each time such an event occurs the current user's display settings are saved in that user's part of the registry.
Conversely, each time a user logs in or becomes active, his/her saved settings are restored.

Solution 2:

Use UltraMon's display profiles:

Display profiles make it easy to switch between different desktop configurations. A profile stores the display mode, position and state (enabled/disabled) of each monitor, as well as which monitor is primary (changing the primary is only supported on Windows 2000/XP and later).

If your computer is used by more than one person, you can use display profiles to set up custom display configurations for each user. Whenever a user logs in, his or her display settings will be applied. Windows XP Fast User Switching is supported.

Solution 3:

Multi-monitor resolution change can be achieved for free by using MultiRes (115K when installed!) from a batch file called from user logon scripts.

For example, place the following in a batch file (adding users as necessary and call it something like MultiRes.bat):

if /I %USERNAME% == USER1 "c:\program files\MultiRes\multires.exe" /1:1280,1024,32,60 /2:1280,1024,32,60 /exit
if /I %USERNAME% == USER2 "c:\program files\MultiRes\multires.exe" /1:1024,768,32,60 /2:1024,768,32,60 /exit

Place this batch file in an accessible directory, such as:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\MultiRes.bat

Add this as a user logon script:

  • Open the Group Policy Editor (Start -> Run, enter gpedit.msc)
  • In the left-hand tree of the Group Policy window, open User Configuration
  • Open Windows Settings
  • Click Scripts (Logon/Logoff)
  • In the right-hand pane, double-click Logon
  • In the Logon Properties window, click Add...
  • Click Browse... and select your MultiRes.bat file
  • Click OK and then OK again and close the Group Policy window

Please Note: MultiRes is free for personal use only. See above URL for further details.