Why is text blurred when I rotate the screen?

I have a rotatable display which I tip up so that I can fit more code on the screen.

However any text on the screen looks just the slightest bit less sharp on the rotated display. Can anyone tell me why this is, or better yet, how to 'fix' it?

That's probably to do with the ClearType settings.

ClearType uses subpixel antialiasing to smooth the edges of fonts. When you rotate the display the groups of red green and blue pixels will be in a different pattern (rotated through 90 degrees) but the operating system probably doesn't know about that.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subpixel_rendering tells you all about subpixel antialiasing

This is probably caused by ClearType.

You may either :

  1. Turn off ClearType
  2. Manually adjust ClearType mode in Control Panel->Appearance and Personalization->Display, in the sidebar use 'Adjust ClearType Text'
  3. Use a product such as the ClearType Rotator to do that automatically :

ClearType Rotator responds to changes in screen rotation by resetting the ClearType parameters to match the current screen settings.