Making a bootable windows 7 installation flashdrive from Fedora

Solution 1:

While I've used UNetbootin lots of times to create Linux LiveUSBs, I've never used it to transfer Windows setup to USB. Doesn't seem to be one of the things it's supposed to support, but maybe it has worked for some people.

Here's a slightly more lengthy process you can try, but it should work fine:

  1. Download and install GParted if you don't have it already

  2. Ideally, delete all existing partitions on your USB drive, then create a new partition, format as NTFS and set the boot flag from the Manage Flags dialog:

    enter image description hereenter image description here

  3. Download and install ms-sys

  4. Enter su ms-sys -7 /dev/sdX at the terminal to write a Windows 7 MBR to your USB drive (where 'X' is your USB drive letter)

  5. Mount your Windows 7 ISO and copy all the files to the USB drive

  6. Boot from the USB drive and test