Articles and Prepositions: “At/The mountain of…” and "…descended in/on her head" [closed]

The/A mountain of family responsibilities had already descended in/on her head.

According to me, it is in her head.

But I am not 100% sure about the answer because in the net various answers are given.

Solution 1:

A mountain & on her head.

Normally you will use on head if it's something like a responsibility because its more vocal than literal that those responsibilities fall.

So it's

A mountain of family responsibilities had already descended on her head.

Solution 2:

On for the sentence as written.

Reason: “Descend in” implies that the problems are already in her head and are moving. I think you mean that the problems are coming to her and collecting in her head. If you want to emphasize that the problems are in her head, I suggest

...already accumulated in her head.

or, if you want to keep “descended”

...already descended into her head.