Is there an appropriate synonym for "laser-like focus" in the following sentence?

The sentence is as follows:

I am convinced that the academic freedom and laser-like focus on undergraduate education will allow me to...

This is from my college essay and since the college only has undergraduate degree programs (i.e. no Grad school), I would like to appreciate this feature by saying that saying that the college only focuses on undergrad students etc.
Laser-like sounds rather informal, so I am looking for a word that is a bit more formal and also conveys the message clearly.

I ran into this problem myself just this morning. The piece I'm writing is informal, so "laser-like" focus was OK, but I didn't like the cliche.

I went with "his focus is surgical" ... could work as "surgical focus" or even "laser-surgical focus."

Another option I discarded, but might work for some: analytical focus... driving focus... central focus... determined focus. These all discard the metaphor, but might work, depending on what idea you had in mind behind the metaphor (metaphors can be pretty ambiguous).