A simple program to CRUD node and node values of xml file [closed]
If your XML is really that simple, you can use SimpleXML
to CRUD it. SimpleXml will parse the XML into a tree structure of SimpleXmlElements. In a nutshell, you use it like this:
$config = new SimpleXmlElement('<settings/>');
$config->setting1 = 'setting1 value';
$config = new SimpleXmlElement('config.xml');
echo $config->setting1;
echo $config->asXml();
$config->setting1 = 'new value';
$config->setting2 = 'setting2 value';
echo $config->asXml();
$config->setting2 = NULL;
echo $config->asXML();
Please refer to the PHP manual for further usage examples and the API description.
On a sidenote, if you really just have key/value pairs, you could also use a plain old PHP array to store them or a key/value store like DBA or even APC and memcached with a long ttl.
You can use the PHP XQuery extension to do the job:
let $data := <setting>
<setting1>setting1 value</setting1>
<setting2>setting2 value</setting2>
<setting3>setting3 value</setting3>
return {
(: Update :)
replace value of node $data/setting1/text() with "Hello World";
(: Delete :)
delete node $data/setting2;
(: Read :)
You can try the example above live at http://www.zorba-xquery.com/html/demo#BJ2a2bNxJc8JVZAl0qyjAelwN9s=
Instructions on how to install the XQuery PHP extension are available at http://www.zorba-xquery.com/html/entry/2011/12/27/PHP_Meets_XQuery