How do I switch between applications in Windows 8?

Solution 1:

There are a variety of ways to switch between open applications in Windows 8.

  • Put the mouse cursor in the very top, left-hand corner, where a small preview of another open program appears. Just keep clicking in the very corner until you reach the open application you want to view.
  • Another way to do this with the mouse is to put the mouse cursor in the very top, left-hand corner and then drag the cursor down, while keeping the mouse against the edge of the screen, it will reveal a list of open programs.
  • Still another way is to put the mouse cursor in the very upper left-hand corner and, when the small application preview is visible, just click the preview and drag the cursor right, it will drag the next application into view.
  • Alt+Tab still works in Windows 8 - just keep pressing Alt+Tab until you see the open application you want.
  • Windows Key+Tab also still works in Windows 8 - this will bring up a sidebar with small previews of all the open applications - just press Windows Key+Tab until the app you want shows up.

Solution 2:

There are a few else keyboard only ways to switch between applications.

  • AltEsc switches to the next application and AltShiftEsc switches to the previous application
  • Windows Key1, Windows Key2 ... Windows Key0 switches (or start if it doesn't started) to the pinned application with corresponding number on application bar.
  • Windows KeyT - cycle through apps in application bar from left to right. Windows KeyShiftT navigate in opposite order.
  • Windows KeyCtrlTab is a variation of Windows Key+Tab. With this keyboard shortcut you do not have to permanently press Windows Key to scroll through applications.