How to add installed program to command prompt in windows?

I have a problem with adding already installed program as available command in windows cmd. For example I installed new text Geany and want to open text file using this command:

geany myfile.txt 

I looked over the internet but couldn't find solution for this. I see that windows will execute programs that are added to PATHS like C:/Windows or C:/Windows/System32. I tried adding Shortcut to geany executable but this doesn't work, it doesn't execute shortcuts

Any help on this appreciated

Solution 1:

You need to add geany.exe to the path in Windows.

You can get the full path to geany.exe by right clicking the shortcut and selecting the entire Target

  • right click my computer
  • click Properties
  • click Advanced System Settings
  • click Environment Variables
  • In the bottom pane find Path, select it and click Edit
  • after the last ;, add the full path to the folder containing geany.exe (in this case you must add C:\Program Files (x86)\Geany\bin\, also note the \ at the end)

Now you should be able to launch geany from the command line, or from Start\Run

PS: Make sure to restart the CMD application before trying it out. You will need to open a new CMD window after the changes have been made.