"Sit at the beach" [closed]

I have a question about the use of "at the beach". I know there were similar topics, however in none of them I can find whether it is possible to say "sit at the beach". More specifically I want to know whether it is correct in this sentence: "By this time next week, we will be sitting at the beach." To me it sounds more natural to say "on the beach" in this case, but I need a second opinion.

Solution 1:

I agree with you: I would also say "sitting on the beach". I did a search for *ing _i* the beach (words ending in ing followed by a preposition followed by "the beach") in the Corpus of Contemporary American English and it has 42 hits for "sitting on the beach" and only 2 hits for "sitting at the beach". In addition, there are several similar expressions shown by this query (e.g. standing, lying, lounging) and they all prefer to be paired with on as well.