Water is to hydro as wind is to?

Solution 1:

So far as I know there is no term for wind power comparable to hydro for wind power in common use, all discussions I have encountered speak of wind power.

However Aeolian (or Eolian if you are American) is an adjective defined by the Oxford Online dictionary as

Relating to or arising from the action of the wind.

The origin of the word being the name of the Greek god of wind, Aeolus.

The dictionary says that the term is geological and gives an example contrasting fluvial and aeolian sediments, these being those left by rivers and those left by wind action respectively, but the same dictionary also contains an entry for Aeolian Harp which it defines as

A stringed instrument that produces musical sounds when a current of air passes through it.

so there is at least one example of its use outside geology.

As I said above there does not seem to be a commonly accepted equivalent of hydro for wind power but aeolian (or eolian) seems like a good candidate to me if one is required.