Can I catch error codes when using Fabric to run() calls in a remote shell?

Solution 1:

You can prevent aborting on non-zero exit codes by using the settings context manager and the warn_only setting:

from fabric.api import settings

with settings(warn_only=True):
    result = run('pngout old.png new.png')
    if result.return_code == 0: 
        do something
    elif result.return_code == 2: 
        do something else 
    else: #print error to user
        print result
        raise SystemExit()

Update: My answer is outdated. See comments below.

Solution 2:

Yes, you can. Just change the environment's abort_exception. For example:

from fabric.api import settings

class FabricException(Exception):

with settings(abort_exception = FabricException):
        run(<something that might fail>)
    except FabricException:
        <handle the exception>

The documentation on abort_exception is here.

Solution 3:

Apparently messing with the environment is the answer.

fabric.api.settings can be used as a context manager (with with) to apply it to individual statements. The return value of run(), local() and sudo() calls isn't just the output of the shell command, but also has special properties (return_code and failed) that allow reacting to the errors.

I guess I was looking for something closer to the behaviour of subprocess.Popen or Python's usual exception handling.

Solution 4:

try this

from fabric.api import run, env
env.warn_only = True # if you want to ignore exceptions and handle them yurself

command = "your command"
x = run(command, capture=True) # run or local or sudo
if(x.stderr != ""):
    error = "On %s: %s" %(command, x.stderr)
    print error
    print x.return_code # which may be 1 or 2
    # do what you want or
    raise Exception(error) #optional
    print "the output of %s is: %s" %(command, x)
    print x.return_code # which is 0