Definition of the word "Word" [closed]

word | Definition of word in English by Oxford Dictionaries

Definition of word - a single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used with others (or sometimes alone) to form a sentence and typically.

SO, if a word has more than one meaning, according to the Nationally accepted bible for definitions...can it be a word ?

A quote i read, "Words are used to disquise the truth, rather than uncover it.

What is so troubling to me, there is no consisent definition across Dictionaries. especially when in some definitions, words like..."Usually, could...etc to attempt in assisting to define which does more damage"

When Isidore of Seville (560–636) was commissioned to write a dictionary of all knowledge, he was able to say that 'many philosophers asserted that all words had several meanings.' The technical term is polysemy, which came back into fashion around 1950 But since it almost goes without saying that words have multiple meaning, its use has declined.

polysemy: the coexistence of many possible meanings for a word or phrase. (Dictionary .com)

In the definition of 'word' which you quote single qualifies element. You have treated it as if the phrase is "single meaning" which is a fragment of the adjectival phrase "single meaningful."
There isn't a single, simple answer. There are three major attempts to answer your question each representing a lifetime's work. Here are just three definitions of word from a question on LingisticsSE

1Words are basically what you'd find in a dictionary. Lance Pollard "Such as, calling them just "words", but that doesn't make sense." Why? 2 Words are just things you put spaces around ;) – curiousdannii "Words are just things you put spaces around" That's just one definition of a word and the worst one. That's the concept of a graphematic word which is useful when you want to count "words" of a text or are interested in spelling conventions. – tobiornottobi

You'll find many of the answers on that site are serious but not hard to understand.