What does "volatile" mean in Java?

We use volatile in one of our projects to maintain the same copy of variable accessed by different threads. My question is whether it is alright to use volatile with static. The compiler does not give any errors but I don't understand the reason of using both.

Solution 1:

Short of reading the memory model specification, I recommend you read http://jeremymanson.blogspot.com/2008/11/what-volatile-means-in-java.html. It's written by one of the JMM authors and should answer your question. Thinking of memory reads and writes in terms of the happens-before clause is also helpful; the JMM for Java 5 onwards adds happens-before semantics to volatile.

Specifically, when you read a volatile variable from one thread, all writes up to and including the write to that volatile variable from other threads are now visible to that one thread. If you have some time, there's a Google tech talk that further discusses the topic: https://code.google.com/edu/languages/#_java_memmodel.

And, yes, you can use static with volatile. They do different things.

Solution 2:

In Java, volatile has a similar general meaning as it does in C. The Java Memory Model (see the excellent link in ide's answer) allows threads to "see" a different value at the same time for variables marked as non-volatile. For example:

Thread a:

n = 1;
// wait...
n = 2;

Threads B and C:

while (true) {
    System.out.println(name + ": " + n);

This output is allowed to happen (note that you're not guaranteed to strictly alternate between B and C, I'm just trying to show the "changeover" of B and C here):

C: 1
B: 1
C: 2
B: 1
C: 2
B: 2

This is entirely separate from the lock taken by println; thread B is allowed to see n as 1 even after C finds out that it's 2. There are a variety of very good reasons for this that I can't pretend to fully understand, many pertaining to speed, and some pertaining to security.

If it's volatile, you're guaranteed (apart from the println's locking, which I'll ignore for the moment) that B and C will both "simultaneously" see the new value of B as soon as it is sent.

You can use volatile with static because they affect different things. volatile causes changes a variable to be "replicated" to all threads that use that variable before they use it, while static shares a single variable across all classes that use that variable. (This can be rather confusing to people new to threading in Java, because every Thread happens to be implemented as a class.)

Solution 3:

volatile means that the variable changes at runtime and that the compiler should not cache its value for any reason.

This is only really a problem when sharing the variable amongst threads, you don't want a thread working with stale data, so the compiler should never cache the value of a volatile variable reference.

Solution 4:

Consider a scenario when two thread (Thread1 and Thread2) are accessing same variable 'mObject' with value 1.

when a Thread1 runs, it doesn't expect other threads to modify the variable 'mObject'. In this scenario the Thread1 caches the variable 'mObject' with value 1.

And if the Thread2 modify the value of 'mObject' to 2, still the Thread1 would be refering the mObject value as 1 since it did caching. To avoid this caching we should to declare the variable as

private volatile int mObject;

in this scenarion the Thread1 will be getting updated value of mObject