Does "foreach" cause repeated Linq execution?

In general LINQ uses deferred execution. If you use methods like First() and FirstOrDefault() the query is executed immediately. When you do something like;

foreach(string s in MyObjects.Select(x => x.AStringProp))

The results are retrieved in a streaming manner, meaning one by one. Each time the iterator calls MoveNext the projection is applied to the next object. If you were to have a Where it would first apply the filter, then the projection.

If you do something like;

List<string> names = People.Select(x => x.Name).ToList();
foreach (string name in names)

Then I believe this is a wasteful operation. ToList() will force the query to be executed, enumerating the People list and applying the x => x.Name projection. Afterwards you will enumerate the list again. So unless you have a good reason to have the data in a list (rather than IEnumerale) you're just wasting CPU cycles.

Generally speaking using a LINQ query on the collection you're enumerating with a foreach will not have worse performance than any other similar and practical options.

Also it's worth noting that people implementing LINQ providers are encouraged to make the common methods work as they do in the Microsoft provided providers but they're not required to. If I were to go write a LINQ to HTML or LINQ to My Proprietary Data Format provider there would be no guarantee that it behaves in this manner. Perhaps the nature of the data would make immediate execution the only practical option.

Also, final edit; if you're interested in this Jon Skeet's C# In Depth is very informative and a great read. My answer summarizes a few pages of the book (hopefully with reasonable accuracy) but if you want more details on how LINQ works under the covers, it's a good place to look.

try this on LinqPad

void Main()
    var testList = Enumerable.Range(1,10);
    var query = testList.Where(x => 
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Doing where on {0}", x));
        return x % 2 == 0;
    Console.WriteLine("First foreach starting");
    foreach(var i in query)
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Foreached where on {0}", i));

    Console.WriteLine("First foreach ending");
    Console.WriteLine("Second foreach starting");
    foreach(var i in query)
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Foreached where on {0} for the second time.", i));
    Console.WriteLine("Second foreach ending");

Each time the where delegate is being run we shall see a console output, hence we can see the Linq query being run each time. Now by looking at the console output we see the second foreach loop still causes the "Doing where on" to print, thus showing that the second usage of foreach does in fact cause the where clause to run again...potentially causing a slow down.

First foreach starting
Doing where on 1
Doing where on 2
Foreached where on 2
Doing where on 3
Doing where on 4
Foreached where on 4
Doing where on 5
Doing where on 6
Foreached where on 6
Doing where on 7
Doing where on 8
Foreached where on 8
Doing where on 9
Doing where on 10
Foreached where on 10
First foreach ending
Second foreach starting
Doing where on 1
Doing where on 2
Foreached where on 2 for the second time.
Doing where on 3
Doing where on 4
Foreached where on 4 for the second time.
Doing where on 5
Doing where on 6
Foreached where on 6 for the second time.
Doing where on 7
Doing where on 8
Foreached where on 8 for the second time.
Doing where on 9
Doing where on 10
Foreached where on 10 for the second time.
Second foreach ending

It depends on how the Linq query is being used.

var q = {some linq query here}

while (true)
    foreach(var item in q)

The code above will execute the Linq query multiple times. Not because of the foreach, but because the foreach is inside another loop, so the foreach itself is being executed multiple times.

If all consumers of a linq query use it "carefully" and avoid dumb mistakes such as the nested loops above, then a linq query should not be executed multiple times needlessly.

There are occasions when reducing a linq query to an in-memory result set using ToList() are warranted, but in my opinion ToList() is used far, far too often. ToList() almost always becomes a poison pill whenever large data is involved, because it forces the entire result set (potentially millions of rows) to be pulled into memory and cached, even if the outermost consumer/enumerator only needs 10 rows. Avoid ToList() unless you have a very specific justification and you know your data will never be large.

Sometimes it might be a good idea to "cache" a LINQ query using ToList() or ToArray(), if the query is being accessed multiple times in your code.

But keep in mind that "caching" it still calls a foreach in turn.

So the basic rule for me is:

  • if a query is simply used in one foreach (and thats it) - then I don't cache the query
  • if a query is used in a foreach and in some other places in the code - then I cache it in a var using ToList/ToArray