Configuring phpMyAdmin with nginx (Fedora 17) for access at localhost/phpmyadmin

For your 404, you should make the character cases match either all phpmyadmin (all lower case) or phpMyAdmin.

To make the config clearer (my opinion), you could use nested locations:

location /phpmyadmin/ {
    index index.php index.html index.htm;

    location ~ \.php$ {
        fastcgi_index   index.php;
        fastcgi_param   SCRIPT_FILENAME /usr/share/nginx/html/$uri;
        include     fastcgi_params;

You then have to relink phpMyAdmin in your webroot (note the missing alias directive):

unlink /usr/share/nginx/html/phpMyAdmin
ln -s /usr/share/phpMyAdmin /usr/share/nginx/html/phpmyadmin

Alternatively, to keep the mixed-case link, add this line to the above location /phpmyadmin to internally change the $uri (required to find the files):
rewrite ^/phpmyadmin(.*)$ /phpMyAdmin$1;

To fix the 500, you might want to check out another answer on SF about PHP restrictions. I just now realized that executing PHP scripts outside the webroot can trigger security mechanisms.
That would then be a PHP error, meaning that the location matches.