A term for "Groceries, toiletries & Conveniences" everyday products

Is there a common term that covers both groceries & conveniences. Products that one would purchase either at supermarkets or corner stores?

Is there a venue type that would describe supermarkets, corner stores, bakeries... in one?

This word would not necessarily other shopping products like clothes, electronics, medication, furniture.

Solution 1:

Groceries is the term you are looking for. Here in the US, the phrase grocery shopping covers every imaginable household consumable. I can go grocery shopping and end up in Walmart, stop at Starbucks or even at a gas station. Oftentimes, grocery shopping is just an excuse to go for a relaxing drive and get some coffee while you're at it!

As for venue, the term grocery store is used for supermarkets where fresh produce is often on sale (e.g. Shoprite, StopNShop, Giant). A more general term is drugstore. This is used, however, more often to describe convenience stores or "pharmacies". CVS in the US is a great example, as it is rarely referred to as a grocery store.

Solution 2:

staples - A major item of trade in steady demand.

merchandise would cover all products.

Solution 3:

You can use "commodities" I believe.

Solution 4:

Marriam-Webster says of grocer:

a dealer in staple foodstuffs, meats, produce, and dairy products and usually household supplies

Tesco refer to themselves a grocer in their literature. So maybe groceries is fine.

Solution 5:

I would use "sundries". May or may not technically cover groceries but I've used it for such with no confusion.