Connect to VPN using command line results in error 691

Solution 1:

The problem was that my VPN connection was using Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP)

VPN Security tab

and RASDIAL can't connect to such VPN connection as:

RASDIAL.EXE provides unattended dialing. It does not support the following features available in RASPHONE.EXE: prefix/suffix, auto-redial, change password, retry authentication, statistics, operator assisted dialing, and connections requiring Terminal mode input.

RASPHONE and RASDIAL: Tips and Differences

After i've figured that out i've used RASPHONE to make a connection passing the location of my Remote Access Phonebook (Rasphone.pbk)

rasphone -d MyVPNConnection -f %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Network\Connections\Pbk\rasphone.pbk

And everything worked fine.

To disconnect you can still use RASDIAL

rasdial MyVPNConnection /disconnect