How to relocate the Dropbox folder in Ubuntu?

I've two hard drives on my ThinkPad. One for dual boot of Windows 8 and Ubuntu (12.10) (it's separately installed, not with Wubi).

I've installed Dropbox on Win 8 and syncs all the folders into hard drive D: instead of the default location. Everything works fine.

Now, I am on Ubuntu. Same thing. I've installed the Dropbox. And I am trying to relocate the Dropbox default directory to the folders from hard drive D: . And it says

"The Target Folder is your Current Dropbox"


Any suggestions on how to solve this?

I haven't tried this but it should work. Try deleting the default Dropbox folder:

  1. Stop the Dropbox service
  2. Delete the default Dropbox folder

    rm -rf ~/Dropbox
  3. Link drive D: to the default folder (assuming D: is mounted at /mnt/D, change this to whatever you are using)

    ln -s /mnt/D ~/Dropbox
  4. Start the Dropbox service again.

It might still not work if Dropbox can detect that you are trying to sync the same folder to itself.

Here is a solution that worked for me.

While in the "Select a folder" window enter the "Type a file name" button on the left (the one that looks like a pencil). From here you can write the path you would like to use instead. Ex:



You might check this answer:

`Change the Dropbox location from the installation wizard Some users experience the problem during setting-up Dropbox that they cannot select a Dropbox folder other than /home/username/Dropbox. In this case when the window for changing the path is shown , hit CTRL+L, enter the location (e.g. /mnt/data/Dropbox) and click on the 'Choose' or 'Open' button.'


You'll need to delete to delete the whole dropbox folder first (see post by terdon), the Dropbox will select 'relink' when you restart Dropbox.

I had to

  1. Stop dropbox
  2. mv ~/Dropbox /stf/Dropbox
  3. ln -s /stf/Dropbox ~ # symlink new location into home folder
  4. rm -rf ~/.dropbox ~/.dropbox-dist
  5. run dropbox and relink device