How to make per-window keyboard layouts with plain XMonad?

Install kbdd daemon which does the job.

Run this at startup:

setxkbmap "us,ua" -option grp:scroll_toggle

That's all!

To display your layout in a widget you can find this Ruby code useful:

  interface = 'ru.gentoo.KbddService'
  member = 'layoutChanged'
  mon = open "| dbus-monitor --monitor \"sender='#{interface}',member='#{member}'\""
  loop do
    str = mon.gets
    if str =~ /layoutChanged/
      lang = mon.gets[/.\Z/] # lang is now either 0 or 1 depending on the current layout

You may want to have a look at scim and/or ibus. Both daemons can be started in an .Xsession. From my experience, ibus is the way to go, but might not have support for your input method.

An example configuration is documented for xfce.

Disclaimer: I would have added this as a comment, rather then an answer.