Word describing the act of giving someone false confidence

I'm having trouble coming up with a word. I need to know what word describes the act of giving someone false confidence. An example would be...

Someone made a batch of home brewed beer and gave it to a master brewer. They said that it was good but the home brewer knows that it isn't. The brewer only said it was good to be polite and encouraging but that's not very helpful in the long run for the home brewer.

It's not really that the master brewer is patronizing the home brewer, he's not being condescending or acting superior, but "patronizing" is the only word I can think of at the moment. Maybe "enabling" would be a better description but I was wondering if anyone could think of a better term to describe this situation.

Solution 1:

The master brewer flattered the home brewer about the quality of his beer.

Frequently, this word is used to indicate praise, but it's actual definition is about excessive praise. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/flatter

The definitions indicating the excessive praise are a screen or two down from the top.