Idiom to describe a spoiled person [closed]

What would be a good way to describe a person who is too spoiled and finds fault with everything she is offered? I keep thinking "she turns up her nose at everything" but turning up one's nose suggests disdain rather than displeasure/dislike. Many thanks to everyone who can help!

Be spoiled rotten may fit the context you describe:

Fig. indulged in; greatly spoiled. This kid is spoiled rotten! I was spoiled rotten when I was a child, so I'm used to this kind of wasteful luxury.

(McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs)

Perhaps you just need to offer it on a "silver spoon". The idiom is commonly used to describe someone being so accustomed to "much better" from birth that they seem displeased with what you are offering them now.