How to remove uninstalled wine app icons from unity dash?

I installed LAN Messenger (for Windows) using wine but turns out LAN Messenger is also available for linux as well. So..

  • I uninstalled LAN Messenger from wine.
  • I also removed wine.
  • deleted the .wine directory.
  • after that sudo apt-get autoremove and sudo apt-get autoclean.
  • then I installed LAN Messenger using dpkg -i pkgname.deb and it installed successfully.

The problem is that now I get this in dash: Dash

Any Help is highly appreciated.

[NOTE] I am using ubuntu 12.10

Solution 1:

I fixed it:

  • open terminal and cd ~/.local/share/applications.
  • ls -a and there were few wine-*** files and a folder wine.enter image description here
  • now you can do a selective remove or; in my case; delete all those files using rm -rf wine*

Problem solved!
