How do I install turbo c++?

To run Turbo C++ in Ubuntu you must have the following:

A.Turbo C++ setup If you have the setup then excellent

B.DOSBox Emulator If you have it installed on your system the good but if you don't go to Ubuntu Software Center and search for DOSBox and install the emulator.

or using terminal:

sudo apt-get install dosbox

Now follow these steps...

1.Extract the rar file and you'll get a setup folder.

If you don't have unrar utility you just need to install small package called " unrar "

Step 1 : goto your Terminal then type

sudo apt-get install unrar

you can now extract your .RAR file by "right-click" then chose " extract here "

or via terminal

 unrar dosbox.rar

Move the extracted folder to your home folder

2.Open the DOSBox emulator

Write the following commands :

   1.mount c ~
   2.C: setup

3.The turbo C++ installation utility will appear.*Press Enter*.

Enter the source drive as C.Press Enter.

Change the source path to \setup if it isn't.Press Enter.

4.Select Start Installation and Press Enter.

The installer will install the files.Once finished u can delete the setup folder.

5.To run the Turbo C++ every time run the following commands:

   1.mount c ~
   2.C: tc\bin

To enter into fullscreen mode press Alt+Enter and press it again for window mode.


The Borland Turbo C++ compiler is no longer available. On Linux, a C++ compiler is provided by the GNU Compiler Collection, which you can get by installing the 'build-essential' package. Many Ubuntu applications are actually written in C++.

You can edit your code with a simple editor (e.g. Gedit) and complile from the command line (command g++). Or you can install an IDE, of which there are many to choose from. I'm not a C programmer, but people seem to like Eclipse CDT (package 'eclipse-cdt').

If you have a body of Turbo C++ code that you want to reuse, it will probably be necessary to convert it. The Turbo C++ libraries may not be supported by GCC. I can't really help you there, but you can probably find help for specific cases on the Internet.

Although may be possible to use Turbo C++ in Linux i think you are best served with native linux tools. In Linux the most common C/C++ compiler is gcc/g++. A basic development setup can be achieved installing build-essential package.

If you need an IDE to write yours C/C++ programs you have many choices:

  • Eclipse C/C++ Dev. tools
  • Anjuta IDE
  • Code::Blocks
  • ...

As i said unless you really need to use Turbo C++, give a try on those tools. You will have a much more modern development system with more features.

Turbo C++ installation with problem solving

I finally fixed my problem. I was trying to run "Turbo C++" in Ubuntu and I was facing a problem and then I solved it. Please read this to the end.


-Open "terminal".

  • Type sudo apt-get install dosbox to install DOSBox.

  • When it is installed download TC (download this Turbo C++), extract it, and paste it in home directory.

    enter image description here

  • Type dosbox in the terminal to open it.

  • Create a configuration file by typing this command in the DOSBox console.

    config -writeconf dosbox.conf

[Note: By default dosbox.conf file is created in the home directory.]

Write these commands in the DOSBox console.

mount c ~


mount c ~ /home/your_username/
cd tc/bin

Now, when I tried "tc.exe". it was just getting closed/crashed and showing this in the terminal.

DOSBox switched to max cycles, because of the setting: cycles=auto.   
If the game runs too fast try a fixed cycles amount in DOSBox's options.

Exit to error: DRC64:Unhandled memory reference `

Fix Problem shown in terminal

I did this and everything is working fine:

  1. Open "dosbox.conf" present in your home folder.

    enter image description here

  2. Change things like this:


    enter image description here

or if you want you can try "simple" instead of "normal", but "normal" works fine.

This is it. Save and Exit "dosbox.confi" and then start your DOSBox again.

Auto-run Turbo C++

After fixing your problem. Whenever you open DOSBox. Every time you have to mount it and this is a big headache. For solving this follow this:

  • Open "dosbox.confi"

  • Go at the bottom and add these commands for your Turbo C++ auto-run in DOSBox.

    mount c ~ /home/prince
    cd tc
    cd bin

    enter image description here

and Save & Exit and now run and test it.

Full screen problem

That is all. It was not in fullscreen mode. That is why I changed this thing:

fullresolution=your computer resolution
windowresolution=your computer resolution

enter image description here

and for finding your computer resolution. Open the terminal and type this:

xdpyinfo | grep 'dimensions:'

enter image description here

A very intuitive guide for installing Turbo c++ on Ubuntu system is here.