FTP sites open in Finder instead of in Safari

Solution 1:

Safari does not support browsing FTP sites (displaying directory listings). Given a ftp: URL for a specific file, it will display or download it, but URLs for directories will be passed to the Finder instead.

Solution 2:

Try this freeware app called MisFox. It will allow you to change the protocol helper for FTP.

Solution 3:

Navigate to ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.LaunchServices.plist.

Open the file up in a text editor (any will do) - if you have Property List Editor installed, I'd still recommend a text editor, as it makes the next step easier.

Do a quick find in the document for "ftp" - once you've got the entry, it should look something like this:

<key>LSHandlerRoleAll </key>
<string>com.panic.transmit </string>
<key>LSHandlerURLScheme </key>
<string>ftp </string>

For me, Transmit is set to handle FTP. Change that line to com.apple.safari, save the file, and give it a shot. Make a backup first. Hope this helps.