What is a small tent kind of shop on the side of the road called?


A type of cart with wheels that you manually push.

Dictionary.com says the term is primarily used in the US and in Canada

mainly US and Canadian a handcart, typically having two wheels and a canvas roof, used esp by street vendors. Also called: barrow

Wikipedia suggests that it is typically known as a food cart

A food cart is a mobile kitchen set up on the street to prepare and sell street food to passers-by. Food carts are often found in cities worldwide selling food of every kind.

Food carts come in two basic styles.

  • One allows the vendor to sit or stand inside and serve food through a window.

  • In the other, the vendor stands next to the cart, while all the room in the cart is used for storage and to house the cooking machinery, usually a grilling surface.

  • Some food carts are towed by another vehicle, while some are pushed by a human or animal.

It can also be simply called a food stall with wheels, or a vendor cart

enter image description here
A hot dog cart

If the food cart is part of a vehicle, it is called a foodtruck

The phrase market cart brings up some similar images in eBay. I think I’ve also seen this kind of stand called a "barrow", too. Collins list the following for "barrow":

chiefly Brit a handcart, typically having two wheels and a canvas roof, used esp by street vendors

Which neatly describes your images in a British fashion and gives "handcart" as an alternative.

I guess you could call it a vending cart or a street vending cart (you could even call it a mobile vending kiosk if you wanted). That is, it's a cart that's used for vending or selling things. If you go and do a quick search on Google, you will see that you're going to get a lot of hits with these phrases. So, these terms are very simple and actually used in the real world.