good LAMP/Rails admin reference for VPS?

I just switched to a VPS after years of shared hosting, so I need to brush up on my administrative skills. Years ago I was a UNIX admin, but I'm rusty, and in particular don't know the details of managing a web stack (LAMP), with a little RoR thrown in.

Any suggestions on a good reference on getting up to speed on managing this stack? This is a personal site, so I don't need to be hardcore about security/performance.

Slicehost have a decent set of articles on getting up and running in their VPS environment, including guides to setting up the LAMP stack and RoR. They should be applicable to any virtual server provider. Find them here:

For Apache, the thing you'll probably be dealing with the most is .htaccess files, so I recommend just keeping references for that in mind. This Wikipedia article has some good links to resources.

For Rails, check out the Rails Guides site, which has lots of tutorials.