Which levels have collectibles in "Where's my water?"?

I was playing "Where's my water?" and I wanted to get all the collectibles. In which levels are they located?

Solution 1:

Collection items

  • Meet Swampy
    • Level 1-7 - "Shiny Scale Shampoo"
    • Level 1-10 - "Suds-A-Lot Soap"
    • Level 1-12 - "Lucky Loofah"
    • Level 1-14 - "Toothbrush"
    • Level 1-16 - "Minty Icing"
    • Level 1-19 - "Finicky Floss"
  • Troubled Waters
    • Level 2-4 - “Lazy Flipper”
    • Level 2-8 - “Nessie”
    • Level 2-10 - “Reading Goggle”
    • Level 2-14 - “Party Hat”
    • Level 2-15 - “Life Preserver”
    • Level 2-20 - “Scope”
  • Under Pressure
    • Level 3-3 - “Picnic Basket”
    • Level 3-5 - “Talk Box”
    • Level 3-8 - “Sugary Soap”
    • Level 3-12 - “Spoon-apault”
    • Level 3-15 - “Chip”
    • Level 3-18 - “Momma Teapot”
  • Sink or Swim
    • Level 4-1 - “Bow”
    • Level 4-4 - “Back Scratcher”
    • Level 4-9 - “Poetry Perfume”
    • Level 4-15 - “Heart Shaped Box”
    • Level 4-17 - “Rose”
    • Level 4-20 - “Teddy Bear”
  • Change is Good
    • Level 5-2 - “Big Apple”
    • Level 5-5 - “Artistic Woman”
    • Level 5-8 - “Tiny Taxi”
    • Level 5-12 - “Gyration Junkie”
    • Level 5-14 - “Multipurpose Hat”
    • Level 5-17 - “Scooter Penrose”
  • Boiling Point
    • Level 6-2 - “The Glider”
    • Level 6-4 - “Claw Cleaners”
    • Level 6-8 - “Hypothesis Hat”
    • Level 6-12 - “Water Cloth”
    • Level 6-15 - “Golden Locks”
    • Level 6-19 - “All Terrain Marker”
  • Stretched Thin
    • Level 7-4 - “Time Traveling Hat”
    • Level 7-6 - “Cone of Authority”
    • Level 7-10 - “Plot Device”
    • Level 7-14 - “One Man Band”
    • Level 7-16 - “Good Morning Machine”
    • Level 7-20 - “Heartbreak Accelerator”
  • Caution to the Wind
    • Level 8-3 - "Polka Dot Stamp"
    • Level 8-5 - "Soup Bowl"
    • Level 8-8 - "Hand Flipper"
    • Level 8-11 - "Rotisserie Rotators"
    • Level 8-14 - "Figurine Head"
    • Level 8-17 - "Pandora's Box"
  • Rising Tide
    • Level 9-2 - "Lazy Music Box"
    • Level 9-4 - "Magnet Carrying Case"
    • Level 9-9 - "Bread Launcher"
    • Level 9-11 - "Domino the Fragile Dog"
    • Level 9-16 - "Party Horn"
    • Level 9-20 - "Day of Cake Hat"
  • Out to Dry
    • Level 10-3 - "Squishy Fishy"
    • Level 10-6 - "Snout Guard"
    • Level 10-8 - "Tail Floatation Device"
    • Level 10-12 - "Double-scope"
    • Level 10-14 - "Twisted Time Teller"
    • Level 10-17 - "Portable Campfire"

Solution 2:

Chapter 1: Meet Swampy - 7, 10, 12, 14, 16, 19
Chapter 2: Troubled Waters - 4, 8, 10, 14, 15, 20
Chapter 3: Under Pressure - 3, 5, 8, 12, 15, 18
Chapter 4: Sink or Swim - 1, 4, 9, 15, 17, 20
Chapter 5: Change is Good - 2, 5, 8, 12, 14, 17
Chapter 6: Boiling Point - 2, 4, 8, 12, 15, 19
Chapter 7: Stretched Thin - 4, 6, 10, 14, 16, 20
Chapter 8: Caution to the Wind - 3, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17
Chapter 9: Rising Tide - 2, 4, 9, 11, 16, 20
Chapter 10: Out to Dry - 3, 6, 8, 12, 14, 17

While playing a level, the fact that it has a collectible in it is indicated by a question mark next to the ducks in the top left corner. You can also see which levels you've collected the collectible for on the level select screen.