How much of the SpaceChem Mobile campaign is duplicated from SpaceChem PC?

I have SpaceChem for PC, and am considering purchasing SpaceChem Mobile, because one SpaceChem game just ain't enough.

On the other hand, I don't want to buy the game and then discover that all of the puzzles are the same.

How much of SpaceChem Mobile is reused content from SpaceChem PC?

Solution 1:

It is the same game more or less, but missing the "boss levels" (Defense). But for the price, who can complain? :) It has ResearchNet so you can work w/new content on the go...

From the Zachtronics site:

SpaceChem Mobile is a direct port of SpaceChem, meaning it’s almost exactly the same, but with a few notable differences:

  • The controls have been reimagined for touch (an obvious change), including a new way to quickly place arrow instructions (hold a button, drag a path).

  • The toolbar has been moved to the top to make it easier to place instructions.

  • The main campaign does not include boss battles or the story and is easier to progress through (more optional pipelines, specifically).

  • Video recording and forum signature generation are not available.

  • It only costs $5.99!

ResearchNet is fully functional in SpaceChem Mobile and will receive new issues of the Journal of Reaction Engineering at the same time as the PC version of SpaceChem.