Solution 1:

As you can see in the API docs, the collection() method returns a CollectionReference. CollectionReference extends Query, and Query objects are immutable. Query.where() and Query.orderBy() return new Query objects that add operations on top of the original Query (which remains unmodified). You will have to write code to remember these new Query objects so you can continue to chain calls with them. So, you can rewrite your code like this:

var query = firebase.firestore().collection("book")
query = query.where(...)
query = query.where(...)
query = query.where(...)
query = query.orderBy(...)

Now you can put in conditionals to figure out which filters you want to apply at each stage. Just reassign query with each newly added filter.

if (some_condition) {
    query = query.where(...)

Solution 2:

In addition to @Doug Stevenson answer. When you have more than one where it is necessary to make it more dynamic as in my case.

function readDocuments(collection, options = {}) {
    let {where, orderBy, limit} = options;
    let query = firebase.firestore().collection(collection);

    if (where) {
        if (where[0] instanceof Array) {
            // It's an array of array
            for (let w of where) {
                query = query.where(...w);
        } else {
            query = query.where(...where);


    if (orderBy) {
        query = query.orderBy(...orderBy);

    if (limit) {
        query = query.limit(limit);

    return query

// Usage
// Multiple where
let options = {where: [["category", "==", "someCategory"], ["color", "==", "red"], ["author", "==", "Sam"]], orderBy: ["date", "desc"]};

// A single where
let options = {where: ["category", "==", "someCategory"]};

let documents = readDocuments("books", options);

Solution 3:

With Firebase Version 9 (Jan, 2022 Update):

You can filter data with multiple where clauses:

import { query, collection, where, getDocs } from "firebase/firestore";

const q = query(
  collection(db, "products"),
  where("category", "==", "Computer"),
  where("types", "array-contains", ['Laptop', 'Lenovo', 'Intel']),
  where("price", "<=", 1000),

const docsSnap = await getDocs(q);
docsSnap.forEach((doc) => {

Solution 4:

For example, there's an array look like this

const conditionList = [
    key: 'anyField',
    operator: '==',
    value: 'any value',
    key: 'anyField',
    operator: '>',
    value: 'any value',
    key: 'anyField',
    operator: '<',
    value: 'any value',
    key: 'anyField',
    operator: '==',
    value: 'any value',
    key: 'anyField',
    operator: '==',
    value: 'any value',

Then you can just put the collection which one you want to set query's conditions into this funcion.

function* multipleWhere(
  conditions = [{ field: '[doc].[field name]', operator: '==', value: '[any value]' }],
) {
  const pop = conditions.pop()
  if (pop) {
    yield* multipleWhere(
      collection.where(pop.key, pop.operator, pop.value),
  yield collection

You will get the collection set query's conditions.

Solution 5:

If you're using angular fire, you can just use reduce like so:

const students = [studentID, studentID2,...];

  (ref: any) => students.reduce(
    (r: any, student: any) => r.where(`students.${student}`, '==', true)
    , ref)
).valueChanges({ idField: 'id' });

This is an example of multiple tags...

You could easily change this for any non-angular framework.

For OR queries (which can't be done with multiple where clauses), see here.