Find the modular node of a linked list from the end. If possible, do it in a single pass?

I think there is some mistake in this question means from last n%k==0 is 17th Node not 16th Node.

Check this: 1->2->3->4->5->6->7->8->9->10->11->12->13->14->15->16->17->18->19

Start counting: 19 is at 1st position from end. So 1%3 !=0

18 is at 2nd position from end. So 2%3 !=0

17 is at 3rd position from end. So 3%3 ==0.

17 is a n%k==0 Node from end.

Yes, we can find this in a single pass. For this take two reference one is head and other is mod_Node. First move your head reference till k position after that start moving your mod_Node with head once your head reached at null then at that time your mod_Node pointing to "n%k==0 from end" Node.

public Node modNode(Node head,int k)
    Node mod_Node=head;

    int i=0;

 ;  ;
    return mod_Node;

The Question is just a different way of asking for the kth element from the end of the linked list. Since the first element from the end for which we have n%k=0 , has to be the kth element (considering 1-based indexing of nodes).

Suppose total number of nodes are N(we don't know N). So kth from end means (N-k+1)th from beginning.
Now for doing it in single pass, we take two pointer approach.

  • Suppose we have two pointers fast and slow.

  • Initially both points to head node of the list.

  • slow starts moving only after fast has made k-1 moves i.e slow moves only after fast points to the kth element from the beginning.

  • From there both move forward until fast reaches the end of the list.

NOTE: At any point of time both the pointers move one node at a time.

What this means is once fast is at the kth node from beginning, it has (N-k) moves to reach the last node. Which means the slow pointer will too be moving (N-k) moves from there and will reach the (N-k+1)th node.

A bit of intuition: To reach the kth node from beginning we need (k-1)moves, so to reach
(N-k+1)th node from beginning we need (N-k+1-1)=(N-k) moves. And after moving fast to kth node we are left with (N-k) moves.

Now the code:

//Our structure:
struct Node{
   int data;
   Node* next;

//Function to return the kth node from end.
    Node* kthNodeFromEnd(Node* head,int k){
        Node *fast,*slow; 
        int l=1;
           // Move slow only after fast has reached kth node.
           // From there both moves together.
        return slow;

Question Clarification:
Now for n=19 and k=3, if we number the nodes from the beginning using 1-based index we will get 17th node as our answer, but if we number the nodes using 0-based index, we will get 16th node as the answer. May be the source of your question had 0-based indexing of nodes.
Note: "n" is defined as the number of nodes in the list, we can number the nodes in any way. Say for n=1 , we have 0th node.For n=2, we have 0th,1st node and so on with us.