Unhide row doesn't work

One worksheet doesn't show the first 15 rows. I tried the followings, neither worked, even in full-screen mode

  • Step 1: F5 (Ctrl+G) to define & select 1:15, set row height to 20 and "unhide row", they are still hiding;

  • Step 2: Put cursor in A16, then up.. till A1 (invisible), select entire row (Ctrl+Shift+), hold on Shift key, press , till all 15 rows selected, set height and unhide row, still doesn't work!

How can I get them back?

Solution 1:

Select the Sort & filter icon from the home menu bar, uncheck the Filter button.

To me, it looks like bug in Excel filters.

Solution 2:

I had the issue you were describing and found that the rows were unhidden, but the row height was zero. So, unhide the rows as you describe and then hover over the row symbols on the side (in between the two rows where your rows are hidden) and then click and drag to expand the row height manually.

There's probably a visual basic script to do this that you could code up as well.

Solution 3:

Also, be careful that you haven't got a frozen pane. This can cause all sort of problems.

From View, look under Window and for Freeze Pane, there's an Unfreeze Pane option.

This one drove me nuts for half an hour until I realized what was going on. Unhide on its own didn't work. Neither did changing row height. Frozen panes are very subtle.

Solution 4:

If you select all the rows and click 'unhide' and they do not show up, then they are filtered and not hidden. Click the Sort & Filter button on the Home tab of the ribbon and then click 'clear'.

Solution 5:

Try the following:

Type the first cell reference A1 in the Name Box and press enter. On the Home tab, click on the Format icon Choose Hide & Unhide from the dropdown menu then select Unhide Rows.

You should be able to unhide all of the rows inbetween after that.